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This is my old site now. Click here for the new one!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Some beetles and Mantises... Manti?

Trying to get a handle on bugs and beetles to generate some robot designs of my own.

©2013 James Mathurin

Thursday, 20 June 2013

TYDKYDNtK Infographic: Snot bubble!

Another cross-post from this week's Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Need To Know.
I've been enjoying doing these. Wish I'd thought of it sooner.

©2013 James Mathurin

Robot sketches

I've been busy with my move down under, but I've also started doing some sketches for characters and machines in a story I'm working on. These are of real-life robots.

©2013 James Mathurin

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

From THings You Didn't Know You Didn't Need To Know... Smallest room in which a dead cat was swung infographic

Here's another cross post from Things You Didn't Know..., my other blog. This is actually an infographic of the first ever post on there (and I believe the first entry I ever wrote down for it, years before I actually started the blog)..

©2013 James Mathurin