Here you'll find art by James Mathurin (the clue's really in the name). I've got everything you're looking for, if what you're looking for includes comic book art, sci-fi art, superheroes, robots, giant beetles, art nouveau and more.
Due to some very helpful advice from a couple of helpful and talented guys (Geoffrey Thorne and Marv Daniels), I changed the text, and thought it came out looking much better.
I've been working on my new project a lot over the weekend, on paper, and with the computer stuff - colouring, lettering, etc. Here's the finished black and white stuff for page 1.
I'm trying a new approach with this, and am going to try a few digital tricks with it, hence some of the empty spaces. As long as it doesn't end up looking like The Dark Knight Strikes Back, I'll be happy with the experiment.