
Saturday, 31 July 2010

More research sketches

Here are more research sketches I did for another Apostles bar  poster which is in the owrks at the moment. After a few starring my Dad, I thought it was about time some of the other staff got a shout out, so here's Sheldon (don't worry John and Marisa, you'll be in future ones, maybe I will too!).

©2010 James Mathurin

Friday, 30 July 2010

Buggatti Veyron - apparently

The last picture I did for the boy I'm working with before the Summer Holidays. Now, I'm not exactly a gear-head (in fact, I'd quite happillly see the cast of Top Gear run over by oil tankers in a hugely amusing segment on their show - possibly with a celebrity at the wheel, say, Susan Boyle), but a little research allowed me to find out what a Buggatti Veyron looked like (admittedly, pretty cool, though I bet the fuel consumption is rubbish), and here it is.

 ©2010 James Mathurin

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Final Apostles Music Night poster

Here's the final version of that poster I put up a couple of days ago, with some crafty photoshopping to maake it a portrait, rather than landscape, and to better reflect the style of music that the bar has.

©2010 James Mathurin

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Apostles Music Night poster

So, this is what those research sketches from a couple of days ago were for. The Apostles are planning to take advantage of their music licence to start doing live music, and here's the first version of my promotional poster. There were some changes before the final version, which I'll put up tomorrow.

Oh, and I also wanted to include this poster which the boy I work with did, as I really like his interpretation of the brief.

©2010 James Mathurin

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Australian sketches

These are sketches and drawings I did while I was on holiday in Australia in December 2009. As you can tell, I was quite taken with the wildlife there, as well as the architecture.

©2010 James Mathurin

Monday, 26 July 2010

Research sketches

After the other Apostles posters, they arranged for a series of events to take place on different Wednesday nights through the month. The Quiz Night poster I'd already done was one, and this is research for another one.

 ©2010 James Mathurin

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Apostles World Cup Poster

Doing a World Cup poster for the Apostles, I needed to emphasise the combined English / South African crowd it gets, which is a big part of it's friendly atmosphere (this isn't a Walkabout, people, The Apostles has some class). So, a few elements needed to be thrown in - The World Cup, England, South Africa, and the landlord, Clete Mathurin, who is probably the main attraction (everyone loves him!). Granted, the World Cup didn't live up to a lot of people's  hopes and expectations, at least as far as England and South Africa went, but The Apostles was a great place to watch it.

©2010 James Mathurin

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Apostles Hallowe'en Poster

Here it is, another Apostles poster, this time for the Halloween Party.
©2010 James Mathurin

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Apostles Quiz Night Poster

So, if you haven't been to the Apostles yet, you're missing a treat. Apart from maybe finding me there, there's a great atmosphere, good food (Props to John!) and my Dad, who everybody loves. Here is a poster I produced to advertise the once-monthly quiz nights.

©2010 James Mathurin

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Commissions for a kid

Obviously I'm too professional to name names, but I've been working with a young boy in a school, and one of the things we've arranged is for me to do drawings for him each week. He's actually challenged me to draw things that are more unusual for me, so I've enjoyed doing it. Here are the 2 I've done so far.

©2010 James Mathurin

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Education pieces

One of the things I've loved the most in recent years is working with children. These are a few pieces that I've done while I was doing that:

It was Christmas while I was working with the Year 6 class at Barrow Hedges Primary, so this was something I knocked up to go with their Christmas cards. I was quite touched to see a few of them still stuck on the inside of desks well into the New Year. I should also mention there was a very talented little girl in the class, Jasmine Read, who showed great promise in cartooning, even at only 11; keep an eye out for her in a few year's time.
These are pictures of Egyptian gods I did with a Year 4 class as part of their Egypt work. The first piece shows Osiris, Isis, Ra, Horus, Anubis, Bast and Nut, while the second shows Ra and Bast in modern dress. This became an activity with the class, where they designed their own modern gods and goddesses.

©2010 James Mathurin